Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Link to "The Baddest"

Song Analysis

     Krispy Kreme is a "Southern Speaking" rapper from Alabama.  Although he is an amateur, his sick beats and nasty rhymes have taken America by storm.  Krispy Kreme allows people of any age to understand and enjoy his masterpieces by using a low diction.  His most famous rap "The Baddest" uses multiple literary elements, whether he knows that or not. 
     "The Baddest" features many hyperboles.  The most apparent usage is in the lyrics:
I could beat you up even if you had one-thousand knives
Even if you had infinity knives.

Krispy Kreme understands that he cannot actually beat somebody up if they were armed with that many knives.  He also says that he has four hundred of multiple sperate things, two of which are houses and cars.  Krispy Kreme recently said in an interview that he exagerates because his co-rapper, Money Maker Mike, said that if Krispy says he only has one house, that nobody will listen to his music.  Esentially, Krispy Kreme uses hyperbole to increase his popularity. 
       In "The Baddest", Krispy Kreme aludes to a few things.  His lyrics:
 I fought two lions and won
 are referencing the bible.  A long time ago, Christians were persecuted using lions, and the fact the he won shows his power and that of Christianity.  Krispy also mentions two popular rap artists: Jay-Z and Beyonce.  By comparing himself to these icons of rap, he includes himself as a top artist, thus making him look better.
      Krispy Kreme takes advantage of similies as well.  He raps:
 I will punch you up into the air like a kite.
By saying this, he asserts his male physical dominance over the listener.  He shows his strength, and physicality, attemping to make himself more attractive to female fans.  He uses another comparison mechanism, metaphors, for the same reason.  Krispy Kreme insults his listeners, calling them slow, which also displays his superiority.  Towards the end, he raps the chorus with a fierce tone, to get his point across that he is the baddest.  Without the beat, it would still make sense, but would be less interesting and he may get off tempo.
     In "The Baddest", Krispy Kreme utilizes different forms of figurative language.  Despite having different words and references, they all have similar underlying meanings: they all point out Kristy Kreme's swagger level and how much better he is than his listeners.  Really, this song is just an ode to himself and Money Maker Mike.